Checking in <3 Message from Bear - APRIL

Hello everyone!!

I hope you all are safe, secure and healthy. Long time no post! I could not allow another month to go by while in quarantine and NOT check in with you guys ! I mean what better time for a haul, DIY vids, and contemplating existence! Only joking!  My online absence was entirely due to my own shortcomings within a new work/life set up but that all came to a screeching halt much like many of the industries of the world right now. And though I am going to write a bit below on a favorite account of mine to follow during quarantine, I also thought now would be a great opportunity to tell you guys a bit more about myself (@bearfaceee) and what Bearshop actually is. 

Bearshop aims to be a host site for all mediums of human expression and emotion. I began Bear as a creative outlet whose sole purpose was and still is to house my own emotions. I'm not sure how I knew we needed to remember to keep human within this digital realm but I do hope that Bear can become a place where we celebrate everything it still means to be human-- the individuality in the way we chose to wear our clothes, the inclusivity of knowing products were developed for anyone and everyone, the sustainability we owe the world, the integrity you lead in your everyday life. I hope everyone can find themselves inspired or touched by at least one of our monthly overviews and if not always write us! We clearly love to learn. Bear is fairly new and really has only covered a couple artists in our mini features but if there's someone you guys would like to see on our page who also aligns with these core beliefs, please always feel free to reach out :) 

Because scrolling isn't something that has helped me during quarantine, April's Who To Follow is a podcast! I am happy to introduce diva/ model/ dj/ icon/ bad bitch extraordinaire and abuse-survivor advocate, Vivien James who runs @reallyrealtalk on IG. Viv's account is a cocktail full of millennial humor, female empowerment and just all around good vibes. From colorful inspirational excerpts to classic american dad puns, Viv's feed now mainly focuses on her podcast she had been working on featuring other artists and creatives in the industry who have inspirational stories of adversity meant to uplift us all which is a BEYOND COOL way to use your voice. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Viv for one of her first sessions-- you guys can listen in and learn a bit more about me in below (; +++ also watch Viv's other interviews here : (    .


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