Masks, Masks, and more Masks - MAY

Hello!! Hope everyone is hanging in there as we buckle down for three more months of what we know now as the “new normal”. With that being said, we feel pretty good about spending April making masks for you all and the community of Los Angeles as they’re pretty much required everywhere now. 

In case you guys didn’t know, we launched a mini Covid Collection~* which included a free mask with purchase. Your purchase also allows Bearshop to donate two additional cloth masks to the families of the healthcare providers at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. We partnered with CHLA who has graciously taken it upon themselves to not only be leaders in the community when it comes to establishing and perfecting pandemic protocol, but also in organizing and collecting masks to send home with the healthcare providers they employ so that their families are also protected while they continue to brave the frontline. We are beyond grateful for your guys’ support during this time; anytime spent contributing to your community, or just being mindful that we are stronger and will heal together— is the type of mentality that will deliver us from this pandemic.

Bearshop has donated over 100 masks and will continue to be providing them with your purchase so long as we are able to. Watch me back my mini into CHLA’s loading dock in the video below :P

MINI from BEAR FACE on Vimeo.

I had also posted a small steam of consciousness on the story of my personal IG account touching on why we had initially chosen to donate our masks instead of selling them. Having experience producing overseas, I personally had knowledge we would experience a shortage here in the US about a month before we able to  I knew in that instance it is our duty as makers or manufacturers to help out and give back to the community where we can. It is also so important to me that my materials are coming from supported sources, or those assisting me in my production are healthy and not putting themselves at risk as we navigate through our new norm. So with the new norm, we went ahead and added a mask to our custom option on our products page since we received so many one off requests from you all (: Now you can easily order and customize your own cloth mask, just let us know if you don’t see an option you’re looking for or to specify text options. Or just purchase something from the shop and we’ll send you one of ours<3

Until next month~ stay safe everyone. And be on the look out for sure to check out our double feature on BEARSTAN this month, WHO TO FOLLOW: QUARANTINE EDITION


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