Greetings Bear babes!

2021 has had us spending more time away than ever but don’t think we’ve forgotten about you! Back for our annual sticker pack and #BEARSTAN Who to Follow, its our great pleasure to introduce you to Shawn, who operates the artist page @burntassglizzy. I met Shawn on set for a video involving pole dancing. Pole has brought me so many incredible gifts it deserves a posting in itself, but I will say that having another outlet available to express and connect with other artists (specifically within the narrative of the feminine) has totally aided in the evolution of my own creative process. Within the short hour Shawn and I interacted, we exchanged contacts and were able to connect trough her desire to also want to try pole and the rest is history. I’ll expand on the unique creatures who enjoy the masochistic nature of pole dancing in our next write up but without further adieu , let’s get to know Shawn a bit more— the artist behind this years sticker pack!

Shawn tells us her ‘preferred medium is any type of abstract painting or ‘just doodling in general’. Although she enjoys exploring and experimenting, Shawn’s whimsical creations come mostly from paper and pen at the end of the day. Hailing from NorCal, Shawn moved to Los Angeles (another cosmic coincidence) to study Fashion Design at FIDM.  And much like my transition from the fashion industry, Shawn has since moved beyond fashion, recalling during her time at “FIDM working as a stylist for various music videos… and for a large part of it I really enjoyed myself. It wasn’t until the end of my time at FIDM that I realized fashion wasn’t really it for me. I loved being on set and being around clothes, being offered a wide range of design classes, but I understood on a deeper level the art I wanted to create was more hands on like painting and drawing”. A calling I know we all can relate to! And when the medium calls, you listen. Luckily, Shawn has a plethora of interests. Having “loved tattoos and from a young age” Shawn can recount wanting to also be a tattoo artist growing up but never considered it a practical profession (sound like anyone we know?). She’s abandoned that doubt now and tells us she aspires to lock in a tattoo apprenticeship. And “from there I just want to be an artist and exist. I want to live and breathe my art and have the opportunity to connect with other creatives who feel the same way. That’s all I really want in life”— a quote I had to make sure to include directly because it is so very refreshing to remember so many of us want the same thing. And the only thing in our way most of the time is our own perception we have constructed, so I challenge you today to continue creating your dream reality. Dream profession, dream life, dream outlook are all up to you. Follow Shawn’s art page @burntassglizzy and her personal @haides__ for some fairy girl magic <3 

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