January always awakens an inkling toward progression, or betterment. Or maybe it feels like an odd, stagnated month since our lunar year doesn’t actually begin until Feb— regardless, everyone during this time reflects on their past, or future year to come, at least once. If you just murmured in your head “I didn’t do that shit at all this month” you’re lying. As I’ve started interacting with my audience more, I’ve asked you guys a bit about the content you would like to see here @ BEARSHOP or on my personal page, and the most received request is always the same: WORKOUT /DIET ?! I’ve been pretty explicit about me not having the best habits (even tho I’ll probably end up doing that posting in March/April for you guys), but since this is where everyone’s head seems to be at I wanted to take Jan’s “Who to Follow” as an opportunity to introduce an account who is focusing on a very different body type from mine, though I feel should be on everyone’s timeline all the same! @karolinevitto is a women’s contemporary and accessory brand from London. Named after herself, the brand is from the mind of Karoline Vitto, a beautiful 26 year designer from Brazil. Karoline will be graduating from the Royal College of Art this coming summer, also in London (are we seeing a trend in my tastes?). So new in its inception, the brand’s account focuses on the actual creative process of Karoline’s; exposing us to shapes and lines often found in her clothing and accesories, we see a curated library of zoomed in detailed shots promoting body positivity as well as other artist’s work whom evoke the same. It really is such a great account guys, even if you’re not the *~aRtSy*~~ type, the clean composition adds a feeling of calmness maybe you didn’t already have between the high contrast photos of bloggers and monotonous memes we’re so accustom to. Or maybe the inner contentment will come from your subconscious because we’re forcing ourselves to admire the average human body in an elevated light . . .WHO KNOWS J GO FOLLOW IT ITS TITE

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