Greetings fellow dreamers<3

I greet you all this way because I have seen such a surge in customer interaction during quarantine I can't help but feel so much more connected to what I feel may be an actual, real, live audience!? Hello new readers, and welcome back (I ADORE YOU) to those who have been reading along for a while. It is an HONOR to bring to you guys July's edition of #WHOTOFOLLOW — I almost wanted to call this month’s ‘who to listen to’ because you guys are also getting a playlist linked at the end of the article from the artist as well ! But without further ado, I give you all @moyosorebriggs.

July happens to be my birth month, meaning I hold this month extra close to my heart so it was only natural to select such a powerful, diverse account to write about this month. While interviewing Moyo I find out she spent a great deal of her schooling studying robotics and engineering before honing in on her focus, and I couldn’t help but liken it to my own pre-med path I had attempted to carve out for myself at 18, knowing now nothing is coincidence~ birds of a feather always find their paths to back one another~

Hailing all the way from Nigeria, Moyo is a multifaceted artist I have wanted to share with my community for some time now— her self portrait series’ specifically have been almost a coping mechanism for me during the BLM movement and protests here in the states, and her playlists have been even more therapeutic! I believe she and I began following one another back when Moyo was primarily posting her photography work, which you can find via the link in her bio. However her art and vision beccon me to categorize her beyond the scope of a just “female artist”; even beyond the scope of a “black female artist”. Moyo is best described as a creative force.

Having just received her BA in photography from University of the Arts in London, Moyo considers herself “self taught”, because aren’t we all always still learning and perfecting our craft? While at the University of the Arts she also just recently completed her thesis titled “An Asexual Steam of Consciousness: Navigating Asexuality in a Hypersexual World”. And I know I for one can not WAIT until the day she shares that work of art with us but for now we will take what we can get.  You can hear Moyo's eclectic energy in the playlists she curates under the name Hellbilly on Spotify. We’ve linked her playlist FRPLY which was pretty much all that got me through these past two months and can be seen in literally everything I created in June and July so I have to take a moment to also thank her. Moyo speaks to me as a woman, a minority, an artist, and she is definitely someone worth your follow as any of the above or even just as another cool human. This one has RANGE.  


Go follow @moyosorebriggs and challenge your perception today

Follow hellbilly on Spotify and move with us, create with us, do something DIFFERENT<3




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