Hello Bear Boys and Girls, 
This fall for #BEARSTAN we are featuring the beauty and brains that is @gelilasinterlude<3  G and I crossed paths via mutual love for the human race, or something like that (; *Full disclosure I had no idea this month's feature had NM roots but the universe always has a funny way of doing her thing throughout these features. ANYWAY the two of us both became interested in a new non-profit that had emerged during COVID organizing various community events based out of Watts which was perfect hotspot for bright minds during this a summer of limbo~ Having lived in LA the past 20 years of her life, Gelila has since moved to Brooklyn to attend Pratt Institute (which we'll touch on below).
Watts was founded in the 19th century originally as a ranching community and was not incorporated into Los Angeles until 1926 as train transport began to reshape our developing nation. You may know Watts from the famous riots of the 60's, or maybe you heard it mentioned in Pac's "California Love"-- we'll save why I hold Watts so very dear to heart for a later post, but it has always drawn me to it in ways I cannot describe. So serendipitous connections like mine and Gelila's make a blog post mandatory for you all. @gelilasinterlude exudes elegance. And it isn't just G's bone structure or perfect profile that creates her draw; it's the variety of witty takes, recipes she shares, and general girl power brilliance that's communicated through the screen as we root her on in her academic exploration<3 But enough horn tooting, fall in love for yourselves below, but don't forget to hit that follow button for some generally great vibes*
BEAR: Where's home and where do you reside now?
GI lived in LA for 20+ years so I consider it home without a doubt. My parents and I moved from Los Alamos, NM (where we had lived for about a year after just moving to the USA) when I was 5 years old because as much as they loved NM, they wanted an Ethiopian community to raise the family in. I was expecting to leave LA for undergrad but went to UCLA and ended up staying several years more. Last August (2021), I finally said goodbye to California and moved to Brooklyn, NY to start grad school and begin a new chapter.
BEAR: Where are you currently going to school? And what for?
G: I am currently in my third and final semester of graduate school, getting my MA in Media Studies at Pratt. Media Studies analyzes all forms of media because the emphasis is on the processes of mediation that create meaning, influence our experiences in the world, and shape how we see the world. I love media scholarship because it is so relevant to every aspect of life today and I find myself engaged with the theories and ideas I learn about in my day-to-day. For me, it reflects applicable education and I wish everyone could/would have some level of media literacy so they can make informed decisions for themselves. As far as career goes, I am not entirely sure where I’ll end up since there are endless ways in which I can apply this degree to work. I may opt to continue schooling and get my doctorates, but so far I’m undecided. 
BEAR: Okay now for the good stuff! Food is clearly a love language of yours. How did food first show up in your life?
GFood showed up in my life through my mother. She was adamant about making sure all the food that was consumed at home was made entirely from scratch; no microwaveable food, almost no canned food (save for tomato sauce/paste), and no frozen foods either. As the oldest child/, I was her assistant in the kitchen and began cooking when I was young. Because I grew up with this ethic around food, I didn’t realize that it wasn’t the norm for most families.
BEAR: Aside from the stuff at home, did you ever take any culinary classes or receive any kind of formal training because GIRL your reels are out of this world<3  
GNo, I have never been formally trained or received guidance in cooking aside from early years at home with my mother. I would love to take culinary classes part time or in some limited capacity when I finish this degree. It would be an amazing opportunity to be acquainted differently with a hobby of mine and I have no doubt I would learn so much!
BEAR: Do you have a favorite thing you like to make?
GThis tends to change depending on season, mood, or if I’m cooking for myself vs cooking for company. Currently I’ve been really into pasta dishes and look forward to making my own pasta from scratch as soon as the pasta maker I bought off of a friend arrives. I actually rarely make pasta because, as delicious as it can be, I don’t find it nutrient dense enough to keep me full. 

BEAR: What's your favorite flavor profile?
GThis is a hard one! I think I favor savory/umami and spicy flavor profiles. 
BEAR: You are so well traveled! Is there any cuisine that you have yet to try that you would like to?
GI would really like to become more knowledgeable about North African cuisine(s)! There is so much cultural complexity, diversity, and history. When I try new food, I often find myself imagining what influenced the emergence of this dish or how someone discovered all the steps required to create the end product. I want to learn about Moroccan, Tunisian, Algerian, Egyptian, etc. dishes in as authentic of a context possible. 
BEAR: Is there a particular recipe, or dish in general you’ve been wanting to attempt?
GI have sooooo many ideas for dishes and I love getting texts/DMs with the ideas to try or be inspired by. Baklava is one I’ve been scheming on for the longest time. Croissants are on that list too. Both are very time consuming and require that I be careful with the respective doughs so I’ve held off on recipe testing or filming until I have ample time. I don’t like rushing and even if my first attempt isn’t ideal, it means a lot to me that I can be diligent and methodical in my approach. The detail and attention paid is one of my favorite parts about food preparation (or any creative activity for that matter!) and also where I feel like food can capture and convey love/care. 
BEAR: Dream meal? 💗
GI don’t have a particular food in mind but the dream would be to have a meal prepared entirely from ingredients that I either grew myself or bought/exchanged with my neighbors or community for. I think that living a life where I am intimately connected to the sources of the things that sustain me is a luxury; to be able to wear clothes from textiles that are locally and ethically produced, to eat foods with ingredients that are locally harvested and distributed with community in mind, etc. 
That last response is exactly what I adore about Gelila's overall glow; through all that opulence, she's still giving wholesome (; I've pasted the ingredients along with a link below so you guys can try out Gelila's homemade Coconut Cranberry Granola<3 
  • 2 c. whole rolled oats
  • 1/2 c. coconut oil 
  • 1/2 c. brown sugar
  • 1/4 c. agave nectar or honey
  • 1 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
  • 1/2 c. dried cranberry
  • 1/2 c. coconut flakes
  • optional: 1 tsp. vanilla or citrus extract
1. Pour oats, brown sugar, flour (if needed) and cinnamon into a bowl
2. In a cup, combine your coconut oil, agave, and extract. Pour over dry ingredients and mix until just combined.
3. Line a tray with parchment paper and press your granola mix down gently. 
4. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle coconut flakes and dried cranberry atop. Return to oven and bake for an additional 5 minutes.   
5. Cool completely before crumbling. Store in glass jar.
Happy baking, Bears~

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