Hello Bear Boys and Girls,  This fall for #BEARSTAN we are featuring the beauty and brains that is @gelilasinterlude<3  G and I crossed paths via mutual love for the human race, or something like that (; *Full disclosure I had no idea this month's feature had NM roots but the universe always has a funny way of doing her thing throughout these features. ANYWAY the two of us both became interested in a new non-profit that had emerged during COVID organizing various community events based out of Watts which was perfect hotspot for bright minds during this a summer of limbo~ Having lived in LA the past 20 years of her life, Gelila has since moved to Brooklyn to attend Pratt...

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HELLO MY ANGELS !  I think it has been an entire year since our last posting but I have since moved states, changed lives, and returned as the exact same Bear (ironically or unironically). And one thing that has certainly remained the same, is my love for art and the way she has shown up for me. For August’s edition of WHOTOFOLLOW I’m going to be taking you guys back to December of 2019. When I was shipping a million dollars a weekend while producing for Target’s machine and really finding a way to connect myself to kid’s apparel, when my employer at the time fell victim to yet another financial hiccup causing them to enter foreclosure. This was the third...

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2021 has had us spending more time away than ever but don’t think we’ve forgotten about you! Back for our annual sticker pack and #BEARSTAN Who to Follow, its our great pleasure to introduce you to Shawn, who operates the artist page @burntassglizzy. I met Shawn on set for a video involving pole dancing. Pole has brought me so many incredible gifts it deserves a posting in itself, but I will say that having another outlet available to express and connect with other artists (specifically within the narrative of the feminine) has totally aided in the evolution of my own creative process.

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Checking In <3 message from Bear - February 2021

Hello old friends, Almost an entire year since our last check in and Bear (along with myself) has naturally evolved. But instead of giving you guys a peek into what’s to come, I thought I’d spend some time on backstory :) I’ve tried keeping Bear universal and less about one individual in an effort to not focus the brand too much on myself but I do find you guys are super receptive when I do share so here goes nothing! You all got a brief intro as to who I am from our lovely interview with the Really Real Talk podcast back in 2019, but today I bring you the story of my moving to Los Angeles.

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Greetings fellow dreamers<3 I greet you all this way because I have seen such a surge in customer interaction during quarantine I can't help but feel so much more connected to what I feel may be an actual, real, live audience!? Hello new readers, and welcome back (I ADORE YOU) to those who have been reading along for a while. It is an HONOR to bring to you guys July's edition of #WHOTOFOLLOW — I almost wanted to call this month’s ‘who to listen to’ because you guys are also getting a playlist linked at the end of the article from the artist as well ! But without further ado, I give you all @moyosorebriggs. July happens to be my...

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