Apologies for the March hiatus ! We are slowly but surely testing out a freelance lifestyle, so thanks for sticking with us if you’re reading! To make up for our lag, I thought we’d do a mash up of WHO TO FOLLOW for April, along with a shop guide that correlates. We also launched our YouTube channel and so we’ll be incorporating a video in this month’s write up as well! APRIL BROUGHT US SO MUCH FRESH AIR<3 We post a lot about #selfcaresunday on our IG account and we wrote a bit about some of our fav skincare products but recently— another one of life’s detours— since I’ve moved to the valley, I’m a bit unfamiliar w the area...

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First off, what is the actual meaning of the buzz phrase on everyone’s timeline: ~*SELF CARE*~ ? The majority of our feeds tell us this can be defined by face masks and indulgent bathing regimines. I even was able to ask you guys, my followers, how you practiced self care and your answers somewhat echoed the same (we’ll review your guys’ input in the shop guide below). ~~SeLf CaRe~~ seems to apply naturally to the average sephora-going girl. For this edition of #BEARSTAN  let’s dive into other ways to practice self love, because what if you’re not that average unicorn driven consumer?

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January always awakens an inkling toward progression, or betterment. Or maybe it feels like an odd, stagnated month since our lunar year doesn’t actually begin until Feb— regardless, everyone during this time reflects on their past, or future year to come, at least once. If you just murmured in your head “I didn’t do that shit at all this month” you’re lying. As I’ve started interacting with my audience more, I’ve asked you guys a bit about the content you would like to see here @ BEARSHOP or on my personal page, and the most received request is always the same: WORKOUT /DIET ?! I’ve been pretty explicit about me not having the best habits (even tho I’ll probably end...

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December means gifts ! Gift giving can be v overwhelming-- especially when everyone seems to have everything already. So what do we do in the midst of all the holiday chaos?! We find that slowing down and keeping it simple is key. So while I was out shopping for one of the IT girls in my life's birthday last week I decided to do a little haul for you guys of some the great gifts that can translate to really everyone. Check out the below for what makes each simple little present unique *~SPOILER ALERT DUH THE GUIDE IS UNISEX CRUELTY FREE VEGAN ETC

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 a recent graduate from the Camberwell College of the Arts. Jade is a London based contemporary artist whose practice aims to explore the boundaries between the synthetic and real-- taking cues from frustrated fantasied obscurities and distorting them against digitally enhanced forms

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